Crufts 2025, recognised as the largest and most prestigious dog show in the world, attracts thousands of dog enthusiasts, breeders, and aficionados from across the globe, and if like us at Yappily, you are nuts about dogs then you don’t want to miss this!
This event will be showcasing the finest breeds and their abilities, all following the Kennel Club’s rigorous standards.
When is Crufts Dog Show?
Crufts dog show is a 4-day event starting on the 6th of March to the 9th of March

Where is Crufts Dog Show 2025 Held?
Crufts 2025 will take place at the NEC in Birmingham. The National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham, UK, is one of Europe’s leading venues for events and exhibitions. Opened in 1976, it’s a great location next to Birmingham International Airport and the Birmingham International Railway Station makes it easily accessible.
How to get to Crufts Dog Show?
Not sure how to get there? Don’t worry! In this section, we’ve got all the information you need on the various transportation options available to reach the event at the NEC.
The NEC is accessible via the M6 and M42 motorways and offers lots of onsite parking. To make your journey easier, shuttle buses run from the car parks to the main entrance for visitors’ convenience. If you’re using satnav, the postcode for the NEC is B40 1NT.
The following parking fees at the NEC are payable on the day:
- Cars: £16.95
- Minibuses: £15
- Coaches: £26.75
However, if you book your car parking in advance, the charge for cars is reduced to £12.85.
Here’s a down load map of the car park at the NEC
What is Crufts Dog Show?
Founded in 1891, Crufts is widely recognised as the world’s premier dog show. Spanning four days, this amazing event has been hosted at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham since 1991. The show features an array of dog competitions, drawing in thousands of dogs along with their guardians and handlers. These participants showcase the skills and abilities of their dogs to enthusiasts around the world.
Crufts transcends the traditional dog show; it’s a celebration of dogs, highlighting the best in various competitive categories such as agility, obedience, and flyball.
Significantly, it is a conformation show where dogs are judged against the Kennel Club’s breed standards. These standards specify the ideal characteristics, temperament, and appearance for each breed, ensuring that the dogs are aesthetically pleasing and “fit for function” in terms of health and fitness.
What Happens at Crufts Dog Show 2025?

At Crufts 2024, you will be treated to a variety of dog activities, from agility to obedience displays. In agility trials, dogs will skillfully navigate through obstacle courses, demonstrating their speed and dexterity. The obedience demonstrations will showcase the training and responsiveness of the dogs to their handlers’ commands, highlighting their intelligence and discipline.
The centrepiece of Crufts 2025, however, is the conformation show. Here, dogs are evaluated against the Kennel Club’s breed standards. These standards articulate each breed’s ideal physical features, movement, and temperament, reflecting their historical functions and roles.
The conformation show at Crufts is more than just about the dogs’ looks; it is an assessment of their health and functionality. This means that the dogs are evaluated not only for their physical standards but also for their overall health and their ability to perform the tasks for which their breed was originally developed. Ideally, this approach would ensure that the champions of the show are not just visually representative of their breed but are also exemplary in terms of health and functionality.
What’s on at Crufts Dog Show 2025?
Day 1 – 6th of March 2025 – Utility and Toy dogs
Utility Breeds: Akita, Boston Terrier, Bulldog, Canaan Dog, Chow Chow, Dalmatian, Eurasier, French Bulldog, German Spitz (Klein and Mittel), Japanese Shiba Inu, Japanese Spitz, Keeshond, Kooikerhondje, Korean Jindo, Lhasa Apso, Miniature Schnauzer, Poodle (Standard, Miniature, Toy), Schipperke, Shar Pei, Shih Tzu, Tibetan Spaniel and Tibetan Terrier.
The Toy group comprises of smaller breeds
Toy Breeds: Affenpinscher, Australian Silky Terrier, Bichon Frise, Bolognese, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Chihuahua (Long and Smooth Coat), Chinese Crested, Coton de Tulear, English Toy Terrier, Griffon Bruxellois, Havanese, Italian Greyhound, Japanese Chin, King Charles Spaniel, Lowchen, Maltese, Miniature Pinscher, Papillon, Pekingese, Pomeranian, Pug, Russian Toy and Yorkshire Terrier.
Day 2 – 7th of March 2025 – Gundogs
This group consists of breeds traditionally used for hunting and retrieving game
Gundog Breeds: Bracco Italiano, Brittany, English Setter, German Longhaired Pointer, German Shorthaired Pointer, German Wirehaired Pointer, Gordon Setter, Hungarian Vizsla, Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla, Irish Red and White Setter, Irish Setter, Italian Spinone, Lagotto Romagnolo, Large Munsterlander, Pointer, Retriever (Chesapeake Bay, Curly Coated, Flat Coated, Golden, Labrador, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling), Spaniel (American Cocker, Clumber, Cocker, English Springer, Field, Irish Water, Sussex, Welsh Springer), Spanish Water Dog and Weimaraner.
Day 3 – 8th March 2025 – Working and Pastoral
Features breeds known for their roles in guarding, rescue, and other working tasks
Working Breeds: Alaskan Malamute, Bernese Mountain Dog, Boxer, Bullmastiff, Canadian Eskimo Dog, Dobermann, Dogue de Bordeaux, German Pinscher, Giant Schnauzer, Great Dane, Greenland Dog, Hovawart, Leonberger, Mastiff, Neapolitan Mastiff, Newfoundland, Portuguese Water Dog, Rottweiler, Russian Black Terrier, St. Bernard, Siberian Husky and Tibetan Mastiff.
Includes breeds often associated with herding and livestock guarding
Pastoral Breeds: Anatolian Shepherd Dog, Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Shepherd, Bearded Collie, Belgian Shepherd Dog (Groenendael, Laekenois, Malinois, Tervueren), Border Collie, Briard, Collie (Rough and Smooth), Estrela Mountain Dog, Finnish Lapphund, German Shepherd Dog, Hungarian Puli, Komondor, Lancashire Heeler, Maremma Sheepdog, Norwegian Buhund, Old English Sheepdog, Polish Lowland Sheepdog, Pyrenean Mountain Dog, Pyrenean Sheepdog, Samoyed, Shetland Sheepdog, Swedish Vallhund and Welsh Corgi (Cardigan and Pembroke).
Day 4 – 9th March 2025 – Terrier and Hound
This group is for breeds known for their spirited nature and hunting skills
Terrier Breeds: Airedale Terrier, Australian Terrier, Bedlington Terrier, Border Terrier, Bull Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Cesky Terrier, Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Fox Terrier (Smooth and Wire), Glen of Imaal Terrier, Irish Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Lakeland Terrier, Manchester Terrier, Norfolk Terrier, Norwich Terrier, Parson Russell Terrier, Scottish Terrier, Sealyham Terrier, Skye Terrier, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Welsh Terrier and West Highland White Terrier.
Contains breeds used historically for hunting by scent or sight
Hound Breeds: Afghan Hound, Basenji, Basset Fauve de Bretagne, Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand and Petit), Basset Hound, Beagle, Bloodhound, Borzoi, Dachshund (Long-Haired, Smooth-Haired, Wire-Haired), Deerhound, Finnish Spitz, Foxhound, Greyhound, Hamiltonstovare, Ibizan Hound, Irish Wolfhound, Otterhound, Pharaoh Hound, Portuguese Podengo, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Saluki, Sloughi and Whippet.
This list showcases the wide variety of breeds that take part in Crufts, each with their unique characteristics and traits!
Crufts 2025 Dog Show Qualifications

To maintain its standards, Crufts requires participating dogs to meet the Kennel Club’s criteria, focusing on breed standards and overall health and fitness.
Dogs and their guardians will have been travelling all over the UK and Europe showing their dogs in Championship shows, hoping to get 1st or 2nd place in their class so that they then qualify to enter Crufts!
The dogs that triumph in the conformation show at Crufts 2024 will be those that excel in both appearance and health. These winners should embody the true spirit and essence of their breed’s standards, representing the pinnacle of both physical form and functional ability.
Recognising the importance of health in breeding, Crufts mandates that each competing dog be thoroughly assessed for being “fit for function”. This means they must not only conform to physical standards but also exhibit the health and vitality necessary for their breed. Winners undergo additional health tests to confirm their status as exemplary representatives of their breed, underlining the show’s commitment to promoting responsible breeding practices focused on health and welfare.
How to Get Tickets for Crufts Dog Show 2025?
For dog lovers who want to experience this unique dog show in person, tickets for Crufts 2025 are available right now. You can get your tickets from the Crufts website.
Can I bring my dog to Crufts Dog Show?
Sadly, no dogs, other than those that have been invited by The Kennel Club and Assistance Dogs, are permitted into the show.
How do I watch Crufts at home?
You can watch Crufts on Channel 4 daily or More4. You can also listen to the Crufts Podcast!
Crufts Dog Show results
If you want to know the results from the conformation show you will find them on the HighamPress website and the Foss Data website which give dog show results from all over the UK in real time!
Shopping and Trade Stands at Crufts 2025
Crufts 2024 also presents a unique shopping experience, with an extensive array of dog-related products and services, catering to the needs of every dog lover.
Want to learn how to show your dog? The best place to start is your local Ringcraft Club!
How to watch Crufts 2025 on TV
Channel 4 and More 4 will be broadcasting the action over the show’s four days; the details of times and channels are as follows:
1500-1600 – Channel 4
1830-1930 – More4
1930-2100 – Channel 4
1500-1600 – Channel 4
1830-1930 – More4
1930-2100 – Channel 4
1400-1800 – Channel 4
1900-2100 – Channel 4
1400-1800 – Channel 4
1900-2100 – Channel 4 Crufts 2024: Best in Show live.
(*Please note, times subject to change)
And don’t forget, there’s the Crufts YouTube channel to keep up with all things Crufts and watch previous years content.
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